
吳田瑜 副教授

吳田愉 Tyan-Yu Wu

現職:副教授 Associate Professor





學術能量集萃 Research Fingerprint



  1. Reviewer, Journal of Engineering Design,(2015).
  2. 16th Chinese institute of design conference, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan,Taipei.(2013)
  3. KEER 2012 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research. Taiwan,Peng-hu(2012).
  4. Reviewer, International Journal of Design,(2012-2013).
  5. Chinese Institute of Design中華民國設計協會,(2000-).
  6. Member of CIDA中華民國工業設計協會,(1999-) .


  1. CChild development as a vehicle to enhance toy design, Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management.(2014 June,26)
  2. Eyewear design and technology seminar, Hong Kong Productivity Council(HKPC), Hong Kong.(2012 Dec.10)
  3. Product design: perspective of children toys design, 2007, 2nd National Occupational Therapy conference, TaoYuan, Chang Gung University, Taiwan.(2007 May, 26)


  1. Tyan-Yu Wu, Sheng-Guang Wang. (2015). Effects of LED color temperature and illuminance on consumers’ emotional states and spatial impressions. International Journal of Affective Engineer. Vol. 14 No. 1.
  2. Tyan-Yu Wu, Yen Hsu & G.A. Lee (2015). The effect of product appearances on consumer emotions and behaviors: a perspective of involvement, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol(32), NO. 8, p 486-499 (TSSCI).
  3. Tyan-Yu Wu, Chueh-Yung Tsao & Cian-Yu Sie (2017). Unity enhances product aesthetics and emotion. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, (59) p92-99.


  1. 教育部研究計畫主持人. (2015/4/1-2016/1/22). 2015 International Conference on Kansei Engineering Sensibility and Rationality ICKE (KMRPDE14R).
  2. 國科會研究計畫主持人. (2014/8/1-2015/7/31). 仿生產品造形抽象與具象程度與消費者情感反應之ERP研究(NARPD3D0171).
  3. 國科會研究計畫主持人. (2013/8/1-2014/7/31). 聲音節奏和旋律影響刷牙動作與使用者情感之探討(NARPD3C0191).
  4. 國科會研究計畫主持人. (2012/8/1-2013/7/31). 產品造型引發消費者情感反應與ERP的研究(NARPD3B0181).